Kicking Truffle Chicken Hot Rocks
- 2 x Chicken Breast
- 1 x Cup Breadcrumbs
- 2 x Eggs
- 1 x Tbs Salt
- Large blob of butter
- Chop your chicken into bite sized chunks
- In a bowl, beat your eggs and in a separate plate, add your breadcrumbs.
- Piece by piece add the chicken chunks to the egg before evenly coating in the breadcrumbs.
- Line the chicken up on a baking tray and put into the over at 180 degrees.
- Cook for 15-20 minutes and then turn over each chicken cube and cook for another 15-20 minutes until the chicken is cooked and the crumbs are golden.
- Remove the chicken from the oven and let cool slightly.
- In a separate pan, heat up a good glug of Truffle Guys Hot Sauce (a third of a bottle at a minimum), 2 teaspoons of Truffle Guys Honey and the blob of butter. Slowly mix until the sauce becomes one colour and starts to bubble.
- Turn down the heat and add the Chicken Rocks to the pan. Evenly mix and cover all the rocks with your special truffle sauce
- Remove the rocks from the pan and plate. Once plated, pour the remaining sauce from the pan over the top of the rocks, sprinkle some chives and sesame seeds for presentation and enjoy!
Crisp, Sweet, Sticky rocks of incredibleness with a truffle twist. A real simplistic recipe that will leave you wanting more and more.
- 2 x Chicken Breast
- 1 x Cup Breadcrumbs
- 2 x Eggs
- 1 x Tbs Salt
- Large blob of butter
- Chop your chicken into bite sized chunks
- In a bowl, beat your eggs and in a separate plate, add your breadcrumbs.
- Piece by piece add the chicken chunks to the egg before evenly coating in the breadcrumbs.
- Line the chicken up on a baking tray and put into the over at 180 degrees.
- Cook for 15-20 minutes and then turn over each chicken cube and cook for another 15-20 minutes until the chicken is cooked and the crumbs are golden.
- Remove the chicken from the oven and let cool slightly.
- In a separate pan, heat up a good glug of Truffle Guys Hot Sauce (a third of a bottle at a minimum), 2 teaspoons of Truffle Guys Honey and the blob of butter. Slowly mix until the sauce becomes one colour and starts to bubble.
- Turn down the heat and add the Chicken Rocks to the pan. Evenly mix and cover all the rocks with your special truffle sauce
- Remove the rocks from the pan and plate. Once plated, pour the remaining sauce from the pan over the top of the rocks, sprinkle some chives and sesame seeds for presentation and enjoy!